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Raw Entity | Translation |
一百五十万年前 | 1.5 million years ago |
证道 | Achieving Dao |
证道不朽 | Achieving Immortality |
证道仙王 | Achieving Immortal King |
成道 | Achieving the Dao |
五百岁 | Age of 500 |
万物生 | All Things Born |
人世轮回伏击战 | Ambush of the Human World Cycle |
悟道古茶会 | Ancient Enlightenment Tea Gathering |
奥古纪元 | Ancient Epoch |
极古纪元 | Ancient Epoch |
太古 | Ancient Era |
千古冤案 | Ancient Injustice |
绝灭之劫 | Annihilation Tribulation |
晋升始祖 | Ascend to Ancestor |
一千多年的大战 | A Thousand-Year War |
觐见 | Audience |
长明天之战 | Battle of Chang Ming Heaven |
光明与黑暗的战斗 | Battle of Light and Darkness |
长明天大战 | Battle of Long Bright Heaven |
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