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Raw Entity | Translation |
万元红包 | 10,000 Yuan Red Envelope |
18禁小说 | 18+ Novel |
天羽羽矢 | Amakakeru no Ya |
暗部服饰 | Anbu Uniform |
A级无印忍术 | A-Rank Sealless Jutsu |
铠甲 | Armor |
护甲 | Armor |
烤肉 | Barbecue |
结界 | barrier |
黒蚁(捕捉傀儡) | Black Ant (Capture Puppet) |
黑色手套 | Black Glove |
刃具包 | Blade Pouch |
血红镰刀 | Blood-Red Scythe |
血色写轮眼 | Bloody Sharingan |
骨质大刀 | Bone Katana |
火堆 | Bonfire |
阵之书 | Book of Arrays |
兵之书 | Book of War |
虫子 | Bugs |
白眼 | Byakugan |
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