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Raw Entity | Translation |
二十四小时制 | 24-hour System |
施政奉公,两袖清风冰上立 | Administering Justice with Integrity, Standing Upright Like Ice |
顺风局 | Advantaged Situation |
异化反应 | Alienation Reaction |
阵法 | Array Formation |
青骅玲珑 | Azure Colt's Delicate Foundation |
大队长 | Battalion Leader |
为民造福,一身正气镜中行 | Benefiting the People, Walking with Uprightness Like a Mirror |
七步之外枪快,七步之内枪又快又准 | Beyond seven steps, the gun is fast; within seven steps, the gun is both fast and accurate |
黑白两道 | Black and White Paths (criminal and legal worlds) |
血煞之气 | Blood Fiend Qi |
血魂 | Blood Souls |
破体 | Body-Breaking |
破体期 | Body Breaking Stage |
拳手经纪人 | Boxer Agent |
破境 | Breakthrough |
商学科 | Business Studies |
青梅竹马 | Childhood Sweetheart |
行气 | Circulating Qi |
技击训练 | Combat Training |
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